To get started, click on the button below to fill out our service inquiry form. Once completed, our office will contact you. It's that easy! Feel free to prepare a list of questions you have and we will do our best to answer them when we call.
We are in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, but will bill out of network for all other insurance plans. We are contracted with the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and will accept Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) payments. Private pay clients are also welcome.
If you have the most recent therapy evaluations or relevant test results (swallow study, vision assessment, educational evaluation, etc), they will be helpful in determining the direction of treatment.
The designated team member will arrive at your scheduled time. He or she will review the information you provided through the intake process. Additionally, if needed, we will gather information about your child's medical history, current level of abilities and what your goals are for therapy. We will be happy to answer any remaining questions you have!